
Signing Examples

  • ✅ 2.2 | ✅ 2.1 | ✅ 2.0 | ⛔ 1.9 | ...


This page will walk you through setting up message signing in either PHP or JavaScript using the demo folder that is bundled with the QZ Tray client.

If you'd rather watch a video explaining this, we have that too!


  1. Generate Signing Keys
  2. Setup the Sample Environment
  3. Option 1 - Server Side Signing (PHP)
  4. Option 2 - Client Side Signing (JavaScript)

Generate Signing Keys

In order to remove the dialogue warnings, a certificate and private trusted by the root certificate in QZ Tray must be generated. "Premium Support" and "Company Branded" customers may generate a digital-certificate.txt and a private-key in pem and pfx formats through our portal

Setup the Sample Environment

For demonstration purposes, QZ Tray ships with sample.html for a complete demo of the product and features. We will be using this as a baseline for this tutorial.

  1. Copy the demo folder that's installed with the client to your webserver

    • Windows: C:\Program Files\QZ Tray\demo
    • MacOS: /Applications/QZ
      • 2.2 and newer: /Applications/QZ\
    • Linux: /opt/qz-tray/demo
  2. Copy the keys you generated from the previous step to the demo folder on your webserver.


Option 1 - Server Side Signing

This is the preferred configuration and is what the vast majority of clients will use. If a pure client side setup is mandatory, go to Option 2 - Client Side Signing


Edit sign-message.php

In the folder demo\assets\signing you will find examples for various languages. For this demo, we will be using PHP (sign-message.php)

  1. Edit the assets\signing\sign-message.php script
  2. Edit the line $KEY = 'private-key.pem'; to the path of the private-key.pem we moved to the webserver in the previous step
    - $KEY = 'private-key.pem';
    + $KEY = 'demo\private-key.pem';

Edit the JavaScript Functions


  1. Edit the sample.html page in the root of the demo folder and find the setCertificatePromise() function

    • This function has the contents of a digital-certificate.txt pasted in for demo purposes. We are going to use fetch (AJAX) instead.
  2. Delete everything inside of this function until it looks like the below.

    • Make sure the path to your digital-certficate.txt is correct! You should be able to navigate to the URL through the browser and see the contents of this file., reject) {
        fetch("demo/digital-certificate.txt", {cache: 'no-store', headers: {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}})
           .then(function(data) { data.ok ? resolve(data.text()) : reject(data.text()); });


  1. Edit the sample.html page in the root of the demo folder and find the setSignaturePromise() function.
    • The demo is set to resolve(); without receiving a signature (therefore there are warning dialogues). We need to point this function to the PHP controller we created earlier.
  2. Edit this function until it looks like the below.
    • Make sure the URL in the fetch() is correct!"SHA512"); // Since 2.1 {
      return function(resolve, reject) {
         fetch("/demo/assets/signing/sign-message.php?request=" + toSign, {cache: 'no-store', headers: {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}})
            .then(function(data) { data.ok ? resolve(data.text()) : reject(data.text()); });

That's it!

Option 2 - Client Side Signing

As mentioned previously, this method is less preferred than server side signing. This method exposes the private key and signature to the client. Additionally, this method requires more work to maintain at renewal time.


Edit the Certificate Function

  1. Edit the sample.html page in the root of the demo folder and find the setCertificatePromise() function.
  2. Paste the contents of your digital-certificate.txt directly in in the reslove();.
    • Note: You will need to edit the contents of the certificate to be in JavaScript format. The easiest way to convert this is to use a text editor with regex capabilities (Notepad ++, VSCode). Find: \n, Replace: \\n" +\n"


      When complete, your entire function should look similar to this:, reject) {
          resolve("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n" +
            "MQswCQYDVQQIDAJOWTEbMBkGA1UECgwSUVogSW5kdXN0cmllcywgTExDMRswGQYD\n" +
            "VQQLDBJRWiBJbmR1c3RyaWVzLCBMTEMxGTAXBgNVBAMMEHF6aW5kdXN0cmllcy5j\n" +
            "b20xJzAlBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEWGHN1cHBvcnRAcXppbmR1c3RyaWVzLmNvbTAeFw0x\n" +
            "EAYDVQQDDAlsb2NhbGhvc3QxHTAbBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEWDnJvb3RAbG9jYWxob3N0\n" +
            "aoGax7ql3XgRGdhZlNEJPZDs5482ty34J4sI2ZK2yC8YkZ/x+WCSveUgDQIVJ8oK\n" +
            "D4jtAPxqHnfSr9RAbvB1GQoiYLxhfxEp/+zfB9dBKDTRZR2nJm/mMsavY2DnSzLp\n" +
            "t7PJOjt3BdtISRtGMRsWmRHRfy882msBxsYug22odnT1OdaJQ54bWJT5iJnceBV2\n" +
            "1oOqWSg5hU1MupZRxxHbzI61EpTLlxXJQ7YNSwwiDzjaxGrufxc4eZnzGQ1A8h1u\n" +
            "jTaG84S1MWvG7BfcPLW+sya+PkrQWMOCIgXrQnAsUgqQrgxQ8Ocq3G4X9UvBy5VR\n" +
            "bmVyYXRlZCBDZXJ0aWZpY2F0ZTAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUpG420UhvfwAFMr+8vf3pJunQ\n" +
            "gH4wHwYDVR0jBBgwFoAUkKZQt4TUuepf8gWEE3hF6Kl1VFwwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEF\n" +
            "BQADggIBAFXr6G1g7yYVHg6uGfh1nK2jhpKBAOA+OtZQLNHYlBgoAuRRNWdE9/v4\n" +
            "J/3Jeid2DAyihm2j92qsQJXkyxBgdTLG+ncILlRElXvG7IrOh3tq/TttdzLcMjaR\n" +
            "8w/AkVDLNL0z35shNXih2F9JlbNRGqbVhC7qZl+V1BITfx6mGc4ayke7C9Hm57X0\n" +
            "ak/NerAC/QXNs/bF17b+zsUt2ja5NVS8dDSC4JAkM1dD64Y26leYbPybB+FgOxFu\n" +
            "wou9gFxzwbdGLCGboi0lNLjEysHJBi90KjPUETbzMmoilHNJXw7egIo8yS5eq8RH\n" +
            "i2lS0GsQjYFMvplNVMATDXUPm9MKpCbZ7IlJ5eekhWqvErddcHbzCuUBkDZ7wX/j\n" +
            "unk/3DyXdTsSGuZk3/fLEsc4/YTujpAjVXiA1LCooQJ7SmNOpUa66TPz9O7Ufkng\n" +
            "+CoTSACmnlHdP7U9WLr5TYnmL9eoHwtb0hwENe1oFC5zClJoSX/7DRexSJfB7YBf\n" +
            "vn6JA2xy4C6PqximyCPisErNp85GUcZfo33Np1aywFv9H+a83rSUcV6kpE/jAZio\n" +
            "5qLpgIOisArj1HTM6goDWzKhLiR/AeG3IJvgbpr9Gr7uZmfFyQzUjvkJ9cybZRd+\n" +
            "G8azmpBBotmKsbtbAU/I/LVk8saeXznshOVVpDRYtVnjZeAneso7\n" +
            "-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n" +
            "--START INTERMEDIATE CERT--\n" +
            "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n" +
            "bmR1c3RyaWVzLCBMTEMxGzAZBgNVBAsMElFaIEluZHVzdHJpZXMsIExMQzEZMBcG\n" +
            "A1UEAwwQcXppbmR1c3RyaWVzLmNvbTEnMCUGCSqGSIb3DQEJARYYc3VwcG9ydEBx\n" +
            "emluZHVzdHJpZXMuY29tMB4XDTE1MDMwMjAwNTAxOFoXDTM1MDMwMjAwNTAxOFow\n" +
            "EHF6aW5kdXN0cmllcy5jb20xJzAlBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEWGHN1cHBvcnRAcXppbmR1\n" +
            "iohl/rQoZ2bTMHVEk1mA020LYhgfWjO0+GsLlbg5SvWVFWkv4ZgffuVRXLHrwz1H\n" +
            "YpMyo+Zh8ksJF9ssJWCwQGO5ciM6dmoryyB0VZHGY1blewdMuxieXP7Kr6XD3GRM\n" +
            "GAhEwTxjUzI3ksuRunX4IcnRXKYkg5pjs4nLEhXtIZWDLiXPUsyUAEq1U1qdL1AH\n" +
            "EtdK/L3zLATnhPB6ZiM+HzNG4aAPynSA38fpeeZ4R0tINMpFThwNgGUsxYKsP9kh\n" +
            "0gxGl8YHL6ZzC7BC8FXIB/0Wteng0+XLAVto56Pyxt7BdxtNVuVNNXgkCi9tMqVX\n" +
            "xOk3oIvODDt0UoQUZ/umUuoMuOLekYUpZVk4utCqXXlB4mVfS5/zWB6nVxFX8Io1\n" +
            "9FOiDLTwZVtBmzmeikzb6o1QLp9F2TAvlf8+DIGDOo0DpPQUtOUyLPCh5hBaDGFE\n" +
            "ZhE56qPCBiQIc4T2klWX/80C5NZnd/tJNxjyUyk7bjdDzhzT10CGRAsqxAnsjvMD\n" +
            "2KcMf3oXN4PNgyfpbfq2ipxJ1u777Gpbzyf0xoKwH9FYigmqfRH2N2pEdiYawKrX\n" +
            "6pyXzGM4cvQ5X1Yxf2x/+xdTLdVaLnZgwrdqwFYmDejGAldXlYDl3jbBHVM1v+uY\n" +
            "5ItGTjk+3vLrxmvGy5XFVG+8fF/xaVfo5TW5AgMBAAGjUDBOMB0GA1UdDgQWBBSQ\n" +
            "plC3hNS56l/yBYQTeEXoqXVUXDAfBgNVHSMEGDAWgBQDRcZNwPqOqQvagw9BpW0S\n" +
            "eUsFUmbueoxyI5L+P5eV92ceVOJ2tAlBA13vzF1NWlpSlrMmQcVUE/K4D01qtr0k\n" +
            "gDs6LUHvj2XXLpyEogitbBgipkQpwCTJVfC9bWYBwEotC7Y8mVjjEV7uXAT71GKT\n" +
            "x8XlB9maf+BTZGgyoulA5pTYJ++7s/xX9gzSWCa+eXGcjguBtYYXaAjjAqFGRAvu\n" +
            "pz1yrDWcA6H94HeErJKUXBakS0Jm/V33JDuVXY+aZ8EQi2kV82aZbNdXll/R6iGw\n" +
            "2ur4rDErnHsiphBgZB71C5FD4cdfSONTsYxmPmyUb5T+KLUouxZ9B0Wh28ucc1Lp\n" +
            "rbO7BnjW\n" +
            "-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n");

Edit the Signing Function

  1. Go to assets\signing\sign-message.js and edit it.

  2. Set the value of privateKey to the contents of private-key.pem. Just like with the certificate, you will want to use regex to properly format the string.

  3. Go back to sample.html and include these before the <body> of the page.

    <!-- Required scripts -->
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/qz-tray.js"></script>
    + <!-- jsrsasign library required for JavaScript signing. In production, download and reference a local copy!!-->
    + <script src=""></script>
    + <script src="assets/signing/sign-message.js"></script>
  4. Find the setSignaturePromise function and remove it entirely from the sample.html page. We are using the function in our sign-message.js script.

That's it!

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